The First Period
Ⅰ. Words and Expressions
1. convey ---- To take or carry from one place to another; transport. 運送;運輸
---- To communicate or make known; impart通知;通報;傳達
The truck conveyed machinery across the country. 這輛卡車在全國各地運送機器。
Wires convey electricity.金屬線導(dǎo)電。
I will convey the information to him.我將把這消息通知他。
2. advertise ---- To make public announcement of, especially to proclaim the qualities or advantages of (a product or business) so as to increase sales. 做廣告
---- To warn or notify告誡,告知
The company advertised for a new secretary.公司登廣告招聘一名新秘書。
We should advertise for someone to look after our children.
3. advertiser 廣告商
The report gives advertisers a new picture of women today.
4. brand ---- A trademark identifying a product or a manufacturer
What brand of soap do you like?你喜歡什么牌子的肥皂?
his own brand of humor 他獨特的幽默感
These cattle have my brand on them. 這些牛身上都有我打的烙印。
5. consideration ---- Careful thought
Please give the problem your careful consideration. 請你仔細(xì)考慮這個問題。
in consideration of 報答;由于
take … into consideration 顧及,考慮到
under consideration 在考慮中,在研究中
6. charge ---- Expense; cost 費用;花費
---- The price asked for something 價格,收費
a charge for the use of the telephone 使用電話的費用
The charge for a front-row seat is $3. 前排座位票價每張三美元。
---- Management 監(jiān)督;管理
---- A claim of wrongdoing 指控;控告
a charge of stealing 偷竊罪的指控
The charge carries a possible sentence of three years.這項控告可能要判三年徒刑。
in charge of 負(fù)責(zé)
The chief engineer was in charge of directing the building of the subway.
I was in charge of my sister. 我在照看我妹妹。
In the charge of / in one’s charge 歸某人負(fù)責(zé);由某人監(jiān)管
The factory is in the charge of a special committee. 這家工廠現(xiàn)在由一個特別委員會監(jiān)管。
7. loss ---- The act or an instance of losing; something that is lost; people lost in wartime or an accident.損失;喪失;遺失。
The loss of my watch meant that I had to buy a new one.
Have you reported the loss of the technical papers about the new product to the police? 你們把丟失新產(chǎn)品技術(shù)文件的事向警方報告了嗎?
His unfortunate death was a great loss to the firm.
The losses are computed at $1000. 估計損失1000美元。
at a loss ①低于成本的:
sold the merchandise at a loss.
I am at a loss to understand those remarks. 我不理解那些話
8. blame ----To hold responsible. 負(fù)責(zé)
---- To place responsibility for (something) 歸咎:把(某事)責(zé)任歸于…
Blame it!(美) 該死!
Don't blame it on him, but on me. 別怪他,該怪我。
They blamed the failure on George. 他們把失敗歸咎于喬治。
Blame me if I don't. 我要是不這樣做,隨你怎么辦好了。
They blamed the secretary for the delay of the plan. 他們怪罪秘書造成計劃延誤。
be to blame 應(yīng)受譴責(zé)
The children were not to blame. 孩子們不應(yīng)受到譴責(zé)。
The driver was not to blame for the traffic accident.那次交通事故不應(yīng)該責(zé)怪司機。
I am to blame.是我不好。
9. broadcast ---- To transmit (a radio or television program) for public or general use. 傳播:傳播(電臺、電視節(jié)目),供大眾使用
---- To send out or communicate, especially by radio or television.
The agency broadcast an urgent appeal for medical supplies.
to broadcast the gossip 傳播流言蜚語
The BBC broadcasts every day. 英國廣播公司每天廣播。
Radio Beijing broadcasts on a dozen different frequencies.
The news broadcast will be at 7.00. 新聞廣播將在7點開始。
She made an interesting broadcast about the origin of modern music.
10. post ---- To display (an announcement) in a place of public view.
---- To cover (a wall, for example) with posters.
The names of the members of the team will be posted up today.
The ship was posted missing. 該船宣告失蹤。
11. hand in hand手拉手, 聯(lián)合
go hand in hand with與...共同行動;與...相配合;與...一致;與...結(jié)合在一起
The development of agriculture should go hand in hand with that of industry.
12. react ---- Chemistry To undergo a reaction【化學(xué)】 起化學(xué)作用:產(chǎn)生化學(xué)反應(yīng)
---- To act in response to 反應(yīng);反抗
How did your mother react to the news? She reacted by getting very angry.
An acid can react with a base to form a salt. 酸和堿起化學(xué)反應(yīng)成鹽。
13. annoy
annoy with 生…的氣
annoy at 討厭某事
These flies are annoying me. 這些蒼蠅真讓人討厭。
We're annoyed at his cavalier treatment of his old friends.
14. annoying
an annoying cough. 一聲惱人的咳嗽
15. accuse ---- To charge with a shortcoming or an error. 指責(zé):因缺點或錯誤而指控
---- To charge formally with a wrongdoing. 指控:正式指控某一錯誤行徑
The police accused him of murder. 警方指控他謀殺。
The police accused him of stealing. 警方控告他犯有盜竊罪。
16. associate ---- To connect or join together; combine. 聯(lián)合,結(jié)合:連或接在一起;合并
---- To connect in the mind or imagination 聯(lián)想:在心里或想象中聯(lián)系:
What do you associate with such a heavy snow? 這樣一場大雪你有什么聯(lián)想?
17. get across使)越過, 通過, 被理解
18. appeal ---- An earnest or urgent request, entreaty, or supplication. 呼吁,懇求:熱切或急切的要求、請求或懇求
The government is appealing to everyone to save water.
The victims' families of the murder have appealed to the Supreme Court to have a definitive answer. 謀殺案的被害家屬已經(jīng)請求最高法院作確切的答復(fù)。
---- The transfer of a case from a lower to a higher court for a new hearing.
appeal a decision to a higher court 不服判決提出上訴
He appealed against the judge's decision. 他不服法官判決而上訴。
an appeal for aid 懇求援助
an appeal for forgiveness 懇求原諒
The teacher listened to his appeal. 老師傾聽了他的要求。
19. appeal to呼吁, 要求, 訴諸, 上訴, 有吸引力
20. frequent ---- Occurring or appearing quite often時常發(fā)生的, 頻繁的
I enjoyed his frequent visits. 我喜歡他經(jīng)常來訪。
Frequent failures did not affect his morale. 屢次失敗都沒有使他泄氣。
Rains are frequent here in early summer. 這兒在初夏季節(jié)常下雨。
21. figure ---- A written or printed symbol representing a number. 符號,數(shù)字
---- A pictorial or sculptural representation, especially of the human body.
---- A diagram. 圖表
---- An amount represented in numbers 價格:用數(shù)來表示的價值
sold for a large figure 以高價出售
a figure of speech. 形象化的說法
She has a five-figure income. 她有五位數(shù)的收入。
figure in 包括:包括,如在計算數(shù)量中
figured in travel expenses 包含在旅行費用當(dāng)中
figure on ①依靠
We figured on your support. 我們就指望你的支持了
I figured on an hour's delay. 我估計要延遲一小時
We figure on leaving at noon. 我們計劃中午走
figure out ①發(fā)現(xiàn)或決定:
Let's figure out a way to help. 讓我們來找出幫助的辦法吧
Can you figure out this puzzle? 你能找到謎底嗎?
We must figure out how to solve the problem.我們必須想出解決這個問題的辦法。
I couldn't figure out who the lady with the sunglasses was.
22. salesman ---- A man who is employed to sell merchandise 男售貨員
23. saleswoman ---- A woman who is employed to sell merchandise 女售貨員
24. profit ---- An advantageous gain or return; benefit. 得益:得利或回報;收益
---- To make a gain or profit. 創(chuàng)利潤:創(chuàng)造收入或利潤
make a penny profit on each orange 要每只橘子盈利一便士
This new invention will bring you great profits like a goldmine.
I have read it to my profit. 我讀了它大有收益。
All his wealth did not profit him. 他所有的財富于他無益。
I don't think it will profit you anything to do that.
We hope our criticisms and suggestions will profit you.
You can profit by making mistakes. 你可以從錯誤中得到教益。
The students do hope to profit by / from the teacher's comments on their compositions. 學(xué)生們真心希望從老師對他們的作文的評語中獲得益處。
25. campaign ---- series of operations taken to accomplish a purpose 戰(zhàn)役;計劃
a campaign to stop people smoking 一項阻止人們吸煙的運動
Did you take part in either of my last two campaigns? 你有沒有參加我(指揮)的上兩次戰(zhàn)役?
a fund-raising campaign 一項籌措資金的計劃;
26. policy ---- A plan or course of action, as of a government, political party, or business, intended to influence and determine decisions, actions, and other matters 政策:一個計劃或行動路線,如政府、政黨或企業(yè)的計劃或行動路線,意在影響和確定決定、行動和其它事情
It is the policy of the government to improve education. 改進教育是政府的政策。
It's bad policy to smoke too much. 吸煙太多并非明智之舉。
27. spokesman ---- A man who speaks on behalf of another or others. 發(fā)言發(fā)言,亦可指女發(fā)言人
28. spokeswoman ---- A woman who speaks on behalf of another or others. 女發(fā)言人
29. illegal ---- Prohibited by law or official rules.違法的,非法的;犯規(guī)的
An illegal immigrant. 非法移民
It is illegal to steal things. 偷東西是違法的
30. keep an eye out for sb / sth 當(dāng)心;警惕
31. target ---- Something aimed or fired at. 目標(biāo)
---- An object, such as a padded disk with a marked surface, that is shot at to test accuracy in rifle or archery practice. 靶子
The hunter's target was a wild animal. 這個獵人的目標(biāo)是一只野獸。
A target market 目標(biāo)市場
32. sneaker ---- A sports shoe usually made of canvas and having soft rubber soles. Also called tennis shoe 帆布膠底運動鞋:通常由帆布制成,有軟的塑料膠底的運動鞋也作 tennis shoe。
33. nowadays ---- During the present time; now 現(xiàn)在,當(dāng)今
Nowadays people travel by plane. 如今人們乘飛機旅行。
Nowadays, advertisements can be found everywhere in any big city.
34. nephew ---- A son of one's brother or sister 侄子,外甥
35. waitress ---- A woman who serves at a table, as in a restaurant. 女侍者
36. hostess ---- A woman who receives or entertains guests in a social or official capacity.女主人
---- A woman who is the emcee or interviewer on a radio or television program. 女主持人
37. bridegroom ---- A man who is about to be married or has recently been married. 新郎,即將結(jié)婚的男子:將要結(jié)婚或新近結(jié)婚的男子
bride ---- A woman who is about to be married or has recently been married. 新娘,即將結(jié)婚的女子:將要結(jié)婚或新近結(jié)婚的女人
38. attach ---- To fasten, secure, or join. 系,貼或連接
attach label to parcel 給包裹貼標(biāo)簽
attach to ① 加入,參加
Pro. Smith was attached to the medical college as a guest professor for two years.
② 加于…之上
No blame attaches to him for the accident. 這個事故他沒有受到責(zé)備。
We should attach primary importance to the development of economy.
be attached to
Mary was attached to her brother. 瑪麗很喜愛她的弟弟。
I am very attached to that old picture. 我很喜歡那幅舊畫。
39. point out 指出
Point out the man who beat you yesterday. 把昨天打你的人指出來。
He pointed out that we might have made great mistakes.他指出我們或許已經(jīng)犯了很大的錯誤。
40. discount ---- To deduct or subtract from a cost or price.減少;打折
The old model worker's rich experience is not to be discounted.
at a discount 打折扣;不值錢的;不受重視的
41. make sense 有意義的;有道理的
It doesn’t make any sense to grow economic plants in such a poor country.
42. bonus ---- A sum of money given to an employee in addition to the employee's usual compensation. 獎金;分紅,意外的好處
The workers got a Christmas bonus. 工人得到圣誕節(jié)獎金。
The win on the pools was a real bonus.
We like our new house and it's a real bonus that there is a swimming pool nearby.
Ⅱ. Homework:
Page 42 Word Study 1, 2 & 3
Page 178 Vocabulary 1 &2
Unit 5 Getting the Message
The Second Period Reading
Teaching goals教學(xué)目標(biāo)
1. Target language目標(biāo)語言
broadcast,post,react,annoy,annoy,accuse,associate,appeal,frequent,figure,salesman, saleswoman,profit,campaign,policy,spokesman,spokeswoman,i11egal,target
hand in hand,react to,On the Other hand,associate…with,get across,appeal to,be aware of,look out for,keep an eye out for
The development of radio, television and other media has gone hand in hand with…
By introducing a brand name to potential customers, and by associating the product with the customers’ needs, companies are able to influence the choices customers make.
The best chance to reach customers is to appeal to their emotions.
First of all, we should always keep an eye out for “hidden information”.
2.Ability goals 能力目標(biāo)
Enable the SS evaluate advertising and advertisements.
3.Learning ability goals 學(xué)能目標(biāo)
Help the students learn how to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of ads and protect themselves from misleading ads.
Teaching important points 教學(xué)重點
HOW to evaluate advertising and advertisements.
Teaching difficult points 教學(xué)難點
The definition, principle and functions of advertising.
Teaching methods 教學(xué)方法
1.Skimming method;
2.Task-based method;
3.Discussion method.
Teaching aids 教具準(zhǔn)備
A computer, a project and some pictures.
Teaching procedures & ways 教學(xué)過程與方式
Step I
1. Greetings
2. Lead-in
T: Dear class, have you ever noticed we are living in a world of advertisements? Wherever we are, we can find different forms of ads in newspapers, magazines, over the radio, on TV, on the buses and so on. Then would you like to know how to make an advertisement? What their functions are? And what attitude should we have towards advertising and advertisements? Today let's come to ADVERTISING.
Step II Pre-reading
1. Work in pairs and fill in the chart
This part is to get the students prepared for the theme reading by listing advantages and disadvantages of ads.
T: Now please look at Pre-reading, Part 1. Read the instructions and try to think up more creative ideas for this topic. Share it with your partners after you finish it.
Suggested answers:
Advantages Disadvantages
1. Provide information about latest products. 1. Mislead customers or cheat them of money.
2. Increase sales by repeated advertising. 2. Give false or incorrect information.
3. Cut costs of newspapers and make them cheaper. 3. Take too much time or space on TV or newspapers.
4. Make the public aware of social problems. 4. Raise the price of products.
… …
Step III Reading
1. Fast reading
This step is designed to train the students to scan the textto get the main idea.
T: Please read the whole text quickly and find the main idea for each paragraph.
Several minutes later.
T: Now time is up. Let's try to find out the main idea fm
each paragraph. Now Paragraph 1, Volunteer!
S: I think the first sentence is the topic sentence. That is,
"Ads are found almost everywhere."
T: Well done! Now Paragraph 2.
Suggested answers:
1. Ads are found almost everywhere.
2. People react to advertisements in different ways.
3. The basic principle of advertisements is to influence customers' choices.
4. Ads help companies and customers in a variety of ways.
5. The most important function of advertising is to introduce new products.
6. Governments and other organizations use ads to make people aware of government policies and social problems.
7. Customers should be careful of illegal ads.
8. Customers should learn to protect themselves from false ads and make smart choices.
Careful reading
This step is designed to get the students to read the text carefully to find out more details about the whole text.
T: Now please read the text again and try to answer the following questions.
1. Where can people advertise?
2. Why do some people find ads very annoying?
3. How do companies get their message across?
4. How do ads help customers?
5. In what way do ads introduce new products?
6. why are some well-known persons named as spokesmen or spokeswomen?
7. What are "bait-and-switch" ads?
8. How can we be smart customers?
After a few minutes:
T: Now let's discuss the questions above one by one. Volunteer!
Sa: Ads are broadcast on IV and over the radio, posted on the Internet and printed in newspapers and on posters in our cities.
Sb: Because they accuse companies of using ads to mislead us by giving false information.
Sc: To get their message across, companies employ advertisers and appeal to customers emotions.
Sd: Ads reduce the price of products and help customers choose among all the available products.
Se: Truthful ads introduce new products by providing good information, explaining features, functions and costs of a product or service.
sr' These famous people are named as spokesmen or spokeswomen to make the programmes of governments or organizations known to the public.
Sg: "Bait-and-switch" ads means that the customer is shown one product (the bait) and then given another.
Sh: We can be smart buyer if we can distinguish between fiction and fact and protect ourselves from false ads.
3. Deal with the important language points by using the slides or the computer.
T: Here are some difficult language points. Now please look at the screen.
Show the following on the screen.
1. hand in hand
The two girls left the classroom hand in hand.
2. accuse ... of
He accused the man of having committed a crime.
3. associate ... with
They are associated with him in business.
4. appeal to
The new comer appeals to me.
5. Not all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company's profits.
=Some ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company's profits and some are not.
6. get.., across
This is the message that we want to get across to the public.
We tried to get our point across, but he just wouldn't listen.
7. keep an eye
Keep an eye on the crowd for your teacher.
Will you keep your eye on my suitcase while I go to get the tickets?
Step IV Post-reading
This step aims at getting the students to further understand the text by doing the Post-reading exercises.
T: Now let's deal with Post-reading exercises. First, the questions in Exercise 1.
T: Why is advertising popular? Volunteer!
Sa: Because advertising can help to promote a product or increase a company's profits.
T: Very good. How does advertising help consumers and customers?
Sb: Frequent ads increase product sales and reduce their prices. At the same time, they help consumers choose among all the available products.
T: Quite right. What is the basic principle behind advertisements?
Sc: I think the basic principle behind ads is that they can influence the choices customers make.
T: Thank you. Then why do advertisers often have to work hard to attract people's attention?
Sd: Customers see so many ads every day and they have to get their message across to them.
T: Well, what is a "bait-and-switch" ad?
Se: When the customer is shown one product (the bait) and then given another, that's a "bait-and-switch" ad.
T: Well done. Then how can we protect ourselves from misleading ads?
Sf' We should be careful when reading ads, distinguish between fiction and facts and make smart choices.
T: I think you have understood the text quite well. So much for this. Next, we are going to make analysis of two ads on P 41. Read the ads carefully and answer the questions above them.
1. Divide the class into four groups or more.
2. Each student tries to work out his or her answers first.
3. Check the answers with the other group members.
4. Collect answers from the class and make final decisions.
T: Which of the techniques described in the reading passage are used to sell the product?
Sa: I think the ad on the left provides accurate information and helps consumers make correct choices. But the one on the right is trying to mislead us by giving false or incorrect information.
T: Thank you. Then which of the claims in the ads may not be truthful?
Sb: I think the ad on the right may not be truthful. It says BIGBRAIN is the only nutrition supplement that has been proved to improve a child's performance in school. I don't think the word "only" is properly used. Besides, it says 9 out of 10 mothers choose BIGBRAIN. That can't be true. So I think such ads shall be unpop ular with customers. It does no good to the company.
Step V Analysis of the text
T: What are the writing skills Of this text? Look through the text and give me your answer. You may discuss with your partners.
Suggested answer:
1) Topic sentence makes the main idea easy to get.
The topic sentence is used to summarize the main idea of the paragraph or the whole passage, which usually falls at the beginning or end of the paragraph. So when reading a passage, esp. a describing or science one, we'd better pay more attention to the first paragraph or the first sentence. In this passage ADVERTISING, topic sentence can be found in most paragraphs.
2) Use conjunctions and phrases when necessary.
When writing a passage, we can make full use of various conjunctions and prepositional phrases so that the sentence sounds more reasonable in logic, coherence and so on. In this passage, we can find such phrases as on the other hand, for that reason, thus used to list different facts and truths. We should learn to put them into practice.
T: Make an outline of the text in form of a chart. Get the main ideas for each paragraph and list key words and points in each paragraph.
Suggested answer:
graphs Main ideas Key words or points
1. Ads can be found almost everywhere. 1. TV, radio, Internet, newspaper, posters
2. hand in hand with the development of media
2 People react to advertisements in different ways. 1. defenders, useful, entertaining, make informed choices
2. critics, accuse, mislead
3 The basic principle of advertisements is to influence customers' choices 1. introduce brand, associate products with our needs
2. get message across
3. appeal to customers' emotions
4 Ads help companies and customers in a variety of ways. 1. frequent ads increase sales, reduce the prices
2. choose among the available products
3. make the right choices
5 The most important function of advertising is to introduce new products. 1. truthful, information, help, decide
2. compare, features, functions and costs
3. deal with, arguments
6 Governments and other organizations use ads to make people aware of government policies and social problems. 1. campaigns, aware, social problems, government policies
2. name their spokesman or spokeswoman
3. spread knowledge, change attitudes, improve society
7 Customers should be careful of illegal ads. 1. keep an eye out for "hidden information"
2. show pictures that are partly tree or changed
3. "bait-and-switch" ads
8 Customers should learn to protect themselves from false ads and make smart choices. 1. good ads, introduce products, increase sales
2. accurate, average, right product, best price
3. distinguish between fiction and facts
4. analyze ads, protect ... from false ads
T: With the outline, you will get a clear idea of what the passage is about and how it develops. Now retell the text by using the chart above. Try to use proper prepositions and conjunctions.
One possible version:
Advertising is a highly developed industry. It has gone hand in hand with radio, television and other media.
However, people react to ads in different ways. Defenders think ads are useful and helpful and help consumers make informed choices. But critics accuse companies of using ads to mislead us. Advertising influences customers' choices by introducing a brand name and associating products with customers' needs. There are so many ads for customers, so advertisers try to get their message across by appealing to their emotions.
Ads help companies and customers in a variety of ways. They can help companies increase sales and reduce the prices. Meanwhile, they help customers choose among all the available products. In fact, truthful ads provide good information, and help customers compare features, functions and costs. Some governments name their spokesman or spokeswoman to make people aware of their social problems and policies.
Customers should protect themselves by keeping an eye out for bad ads, distinguishing between fiction and facts and making good choices.
Step VI Language Points
1. People react to advertisements in different ways.
react vt.作出反應(yīng),對抗
eg.1>When John’s mother made him stay at home, he reacted by behaving noisily.
2>Dogs react to kindness by showing affection.
3>When I punished him he reacted by bursting into tears.
拓展:react vt. 產(chǎn)生化學(xué)反應(yīng)
Hydrogen reacts with oxygen.
Acids react on metals.
用于短語:react against作出反抗的反應(yīng),反抗
react on/upon 對――產(chǎn)生影響,反過來影響
reaction n. 1>反應(yīng)(可數(shù))2>反對(不可數(shù))3>反作用,相反的傾向。(不可數(shù),可加不定冠詞)4>化學(xué)反應(yīng),核反應(yīng)。
2. …and by associating the product with the customers’ needs,…
associate vt.把――和――聯(lián)系起來
e.g. He associated himself with this campaign. 他把他自己與這次戰(zhàn)役聯(lián)系起來。
I didn’t want to be associated with it at all. 我根本不想?yún)⑴c這件事。
拓展:associate 還可以作不及物動詞使用,“和……來往,和……共事(與with連用)解。
e.g. There he associated with working people. 在那里他與勞動人民來往。
Never associated with bad companions.永遠(yuǎn)不要與壞人來往。
Associate n.共事的人,同伙,伙伴
3. Customers see so many ads every day that advertisers must work hard to get their message across.
get sth. across 使某事被理解(領(lǐng)會)
4. The best chance to reach customers is to appeal to their emotions.
appeal to 投合(興趣或心意)
5. There are many things we need to take into consideration before we buy an expensive product,…
take into consideration加以考慮
e.g. You must take his illness into consideration before dismissing him. 在解雇他之前你必須對他的病情加以考慮。
6. Armed with facts and figures, customers are better able to deal with the often powerful arguments given by a salesman or saleswoman.
Armed with facts and figures這里是過去分詞短語作狀語,相當(dāng)于When customers are armed with facts and figures,--
7. Not all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits.
該句為不完全否定。相當(dāng)于All ads are not used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits.
Not every…=Every…not…
Not both… =Both…not…
8. Many governments used ad campaigns to make people aware of social problems and government policies.
Make… aware of 使……意識到
9. First of all, we should always keep an eye out for “hidden information”.
Keep an eye out (for…) 當(dāng)心,警惕
e.g. Keep an eye out, we’re close to Joe’s house.
1. Consolidation
T: Please go over the new words and expressions you just learnt after class and translate the following sentences into English:
1) 廣告公司總是想方設(shè)法推銷產(chǎn)品。
2) 我要刊登廣告讓人來打掃房屋。(advertise)
3) 這些不實廣告報紙該受責(zé)備。(be to blame)
4) 廣告商一定不能給人留下欺騙性印象。
5) 她聽到我的建議時反應(yīng)如何?(react)
6) 火車晚點又沒有解釋真是很惹人生氣。
7) “這不是我的過錯呀�!薄皠e擔(dān)心,我沒有譴責(zé)你�!�
8) 報紙從所干U登的廣告獲取利益。
(make a profit of )
9) 他們賣掉它賺了一千美元。(at a profit of)
10) 在英國喝醉了酒開車是違法的。(illegal)
2. Preview the new lesson
3. Preview LANGUAGE STUDY after class.
Unit 5 Getting the Message
The Third Period Language Study
Teaching goals教學(xué)目標(biāo)
1.Target language目標(biāo)語言
blame…for,only to find,broadcast live,in charge of
2.Ability goals能力目標(biāo)
Try to understand and use Object Complement correctly.
3.Learning ability goals學(xué)能目標(biāo)
Put Object Complement in practical use.
Teaching important points教學(xué)重點
When and how to use Object Complement.
Teaching difficult points教學(xué)難點
How to use the Object Complement.
Teaching methods教學(xué)方法
1.Question-and-answer method;
2.Pair work and group work.
Teaching aids教具準(zhǔn)備
A computer and a projector.
Teaching procedures&ways教學(xué)過程與方式
Step I Revision
T:Now first lets check the homework.Volunteer!
Students volunteer to do the translation orally.
Suggested answers:
1.Advertising companies always try every means to think up new ways to promote products.
2.I’m going to advertise for someone to clean my house.
3.Newspapers are to blame for the untruthful ads.
4.Advertisers must not give others misleading impression.
5.How did she react to my suggestion when she heard it?
6.It’s really annoying when a train is late and there’s no explanation.
7."It wasn’t my fault.""Don’t worry.I’m not accusing you."
8.Newspapers make a profit out of the advertisements they carry.
9.They sell it at a profit of one thousand dollars.
10.In Britain,it is illegal to drive when you are drunk.
T:Well done.Thank you.
T:In this unit we’ve learned quite a few useful words and phrases.Do you know how to use them properly? Now let’s have a try.
Step II Word study
1.Word-guessing game
This step is designed to test how well the students have grasped the words learnt in this unit.Besides,this game is sure to make the class more lively and interesting.
T:First let’s play a word-guessing game.One student reads the sentence and the other fills in the banks with a proper word from the text.Remember to use the correct forms.Now volunteer!
Sa:The local newspaper reported that poor safety measures were to______for the fire in the supermarket.
Sb:I think that is“blame”.“to blame for…”is a set phrase.
T:Got it!
Sa:How did Anna______ when she heard she had failed the exam?
Possible answers:
Blame, react, broadcast, posted, annoyed, advertised, appeals, associate
2.Word formation
This step is meant to get the students to tell the opposite of the given words.
T:“Wife”is female, then what about the male?
Sa:I think“wife…is female.while“husband”must be male.
T:Quite right.Then,“grandfather”?
SB:Well.“grandfather”is male while“grandmother”is female.
Possible Answers:
Husband, grandmother, granddaughter, brother, girl, uncle, niece, bride, chairwoman, lady, sir, queen, hero, actress, host, waiter, saleswoman, god
3.Passage reading
T:Please read the given words and phrases first to understand their meanings.Then read the passage carefully and fill in the blanks with the words or phrases, using their proper forms.Finally check the answers.
Sc:Professor Stone is in charge of the Department of Advertising of an English newspaper in China….
Possible Answers:
In charge of,
Step III Grammar
1.Introduce the usage of Object Complement.
T:In English there is an important sentence pattern. that is "verb+object+object complement" Usually the verbs can be think,find,see,get and so on.Object Complement can be noun,pronoun,adjective,adverb,infinitive,present participle, past participle, prepositional phrase and so on. Now let's see some examples. Turn to P43 and look at Exercise 1. Complete each sentence with the right word or phrase from the box. OK. Let's see the first sentence. Some people find advertisements ______.
Sa: I think the answer should be E.
T: Got it. Thank you. What about next one?
2. Practical use of Object Complement.
T: Let's come to Exercise 2. Read the passage quickly to get the general idea, then fill in the blanks with the proper form of the verbs in brackets.
Sb: ...
T: Well done. Now can you find the Object Complement and underline them one by one?
Sc: ...
Step IV Practising (Workbook on P178)
1. Vocabulary
This part is designed to get the students to learn to guess the meaning of a specific word in a context. The teacher should try to encourage them to think and express freely.
T: In English sometimes a word has more than one meaning in a sentence. For example, (on the screen or on the blackboard)
This ad campaign used Yao Ming to show the right attitude towards people with AIDS.
T: We look it up in Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary and find the two meanings:
1) a planned group of especially political, business or military activities which are intended to achieve a particular aim (政治性或商業(yè)性)活動,競選運動
2) a group of connected actions or movements that forms part of a war 戰(zhàn)役
T: So in this sentence, when we use the first meaning, it is just a planned activity, but when we mean the second, it compares the activity to a large and important part of the whole "business war". Are you clear?
S: Yes.
T: Then what about No 2?
2. Choose the best answer
This part is to test how well the students have grasped some key words learned in this unit. Get them to give their own answers first and then check the answers with the class.
3. Complete the dialogues
This part is meant to train the students to use the key words properly in specific language situation. The students should be encouraged to give their own answers, and the answers may be varied.
T: Now let's study the example carefully and know how to do it correctly.
A: Who do you think is to blame if you find the product recommended by a movie star in an ad unsatisfactory?
B: I think the movie star is to blame for misleading customers in the ad.
T: Then what have you got from this example?
Sa: First we'd better make sure what kind of sentence pattern we'll use, then decide which part should be repeated in the first sentence.
T: Very good. Then who can complete the first dialogue?
Sb: Let me try. What do you think of the role of advertising nowadays?
T: Quite right. Thanks. Next?
4. Translation
This part is to provide the students with more chances to consolidate the language points learned in this unit. So get them to study the English sentences and try to know how to use the italicized phrases correctly. Then try translating each sentence one by one. Finally check the answers with the class.
T: Who can translate the first sentence into Chinese?
Sc: Let me have a try.
T: Well done. From this sentence we can find this useful phrase "take ... into consideration". OK, let's use this useful phrase to translate the following two sentences.
Who would like to have a try?
Sd: When entering a college, what should you take into consideration?
Se: When buying a car, safety is the first thing that you should take into consideration.
T: Wonderful, thank you. Now next?
5. Identify the Object Complement (Exercise 1 of Grammar)
This part is to get the students to identify the Object Complement in a specific sentence.
T: Whether it's a "verb+ object+ object complement" structure or not, the verb is very important. For example:
1) I bought her a new MP3 player as a birthday present.
2) She considered the new MP3 player I bought very precious.
T:In the first sentence�!癶er”is indirect object while“a new MP3 player”is direct object.In the second sentence,"very precious" is the object complement.Now study the sentences carefully and tell me which sentences contain the object complement.
6.“ do sth.’’structure Practice
T:Look at Exercise 2 on P181.Make sentences using the verbs in Column A and the phrases in Column B.
7.Fill in the blanks
Let students do Exercise 3 on P181 individually and then check the answers with the whole class.
8.Describe an ad using the Object Complement
Ask the students to discuss the picture on P181 carefully and then describe the ad using the given sentence patterns.
Show the following patterns on the screen/blackboard.
I find the ad…
I see somebody…
I consider it…
I believe the cellphone can make…
1 would have it…r
After a few minutes.
T:Now what do you think the ad is about?
Sa:In my opinion, it’s promoting a latest type of cell phone which has new functions.
T:Very good.Then who can describe the picture using the given sentence patterns?
Sb:I find the ad interesting and persuasive.From the ad, we know the cell phone can be used to phone,send fax, listen to MP3,take photos and so on.
Sc:l see somebody taking photos with the cell phone.If the picture is clear enough and easy to develop,the cell-phone must be very popular.
Sd:Jf consider it a new trend of cellphone in the future.It is more than a phone.It has many more new functions.
Se:I believe the cellphone can make our球easier and more comfortable.
Sf:I would have it become a symbol of my position if I worked in a large company.
T:Great. Thanks.
Step V Homework
Preview the new 1esson.
Unit 5 Getting the Message
The Fourth Period Integrating Skills
Teaching goals教學(xué)目標(biāo)
1.Target language目標(biāo)語言
attach,discount,bonus,attach…to,point out,make sense,differ from,a series of, in the 1960s,refer to
A good ad uses words to which people attach positive meaning.
A good slogan should be“catchy”or easy to remember.
People read advertisements partly for information and partly because they are interesting.
Nobody bought the product,however,because when translated it meant“X puts living things into dry hair.’’
2.Ability goals能力目標(biāo)
Get the students to know more about wording in ads.
Enable the students to appreciate advertisements.
3.Learning ability goals學(xué)能目標(biāo)
Help students learn how to write ads.
Enable students to learn how to distinguish false ads when reading advertisements.
Teaching important points教學(xué)重點
Get the students to find the techniques in choosing words in ads.
Teaching difficult points教學(xué)難點
Learn about the techniques in choosing words in ads.
Teaching methods教學(xué)方法
1.Fast reading method;
2.Pair work or group work.
Teaching aids 教具準(zhǔn)備
A computer and a projector.
Teaching procedures & ways 教學(xué)過程與方式
Step I Revision
1. Greetings
2. Revision
3. Lead-in
T: We can find different ads all around us everyday everywhere, but have you ever noticed the texts of the ads, that is, what the ads are about. Today let's talk about the words used in ads, that is, the technique in choosing words in ads.
Step II Reading
l. Fast reading
This step is to train the students to skim the whole text for main idea.
T: Now please read the whole passage quickly and find out the answers to the following questions:
1. What makes a good slogan?
2. What should be paid attention to when selling products abroad?
After several minutes.
T: Now volunteer!
Sa: A good slogan should be "catchy" or easy to remember, and should convey a message that will make consumers form a positive image of the company and product.
Sb: The translation must be correct.
2. Careful reading
This step is to get the students to fully understand the text by detail reading.
1. How does the language used in ads differ from ordinary language?
2. How do companies choose names for their products?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a story as an advertisement?
4. What is strange about the phrases "a free gift" and "an added bonus"?
After a few minutes.
T: Now time is up. Volunteer!
Sc: I think ad-makers choose words and brand names that can create a positive image of the product they are promoting.
T: Very good. What about Question 2?
Sd: Companies choose names for their products in different ways: telling the advantages of the products, making the products easy to remember, choosing a funny or unusual name, choosing names from old stories or legends or inventing new words.
Se: I think the advantages of using a story as an advertisement are that it may be humorous and attract readers' attention. And the disadvantage is that readers or viewers can't remember the name of the product.
Sf: That means sometimes we pay more than its real cost. In other words, it is not a free gift at all.
T: Well done. Thank you.
3. Group work. List famous products and brand names.
1. Divide the class into four groups or more.
2. Each student tries to work out his or her answers first.
3. Share the answers with the other group members.
4. Collect answers from the class and give prizes to the best ones.
T: In fact if we watch CCTV every day, we'll notice some interesting products and brand names. Who can give your comment on them and share them with us?
Sa: Let me try. I like Lenovo. It is the proud of our national brand in IT industry. It is also an important sponsor for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. More important, it takes over part of IBM and promotes the position of the company. In a word, I like Lenovo and it makes me proud of our country.
T: Wonderful, thank you. Anyone else?
Step III Language points
This step is to make some important language points easier to learn by explaining them to students.
T: Do you have any sentences difficult to understand? Before you raise your questions, I will explain some important language points to you.
1. differ from
His views differ considerably from those of his parents.
2. attach ... to
I attached a photo to my application form.
She attaches great value to being financially independent.
3. easy to remember
His strange ways made his lessons lively and easy to remember.
4. a series of
She gave a series of lectures last year on contemporary British writers.
5. When translated ...
When translated, this sentence has several meanings.
6. in the 1960's
The buildings were built in the 1960's.
7. refer to
You can refer to your notes when you are speaking.
This is not the dictionary which I referred to.
8. make sense
It makes sense to buy a large packet because it works out cheaper in the end.
T: OK, your questions please!
Deal with the questions students raise.
Step IV Reading (Workbook on P182)
1. Fast reading
This step is to train the students to read fast to get the target information. Allow the students to read the whole text for a few minutes and underline some important points.
T: When an advertising company begins planning the ad campaign, they will hold a meeting. Now let's see who work in an advertising firm and what they do.
Sa: The first person is in charge of the whole project.
Sb: The second one will think up an idea for the ad.
Sc: The third one will go to buy space in newspapers or time on TV.
Sd: The fourth person is a writer to write the text for the ad.
Se: There is another one, a designer to design the ad, using pictures, or photos and the text.
T: Well done. Thank you.
2. Detail reading
Advantages and disadvantages of different media
This step is to train the students to obtain useful information from the material and make comparisons.
T: Different media has different advantages and disadvantages, compare the five types of media on P 183 (Exercise 2) and list their advantages, disadvantages and what they are suitable for.
After a few minutes.
T: Now time is up. Please report your work.
Suggested answers:
Media Advantages Disadvantages Suitable for.
Posters/Billboards Attract new customers Seen from a distance, last for a short time Inform customers about a new product
Printed media Provide detailed information Have to be bought; Have limited consumers Introduce new products
TV and radio Reach large audience; Have powerful influence Very expensive; Have to be seen or heard Promote a product or persuade consumers
The Internet Being "interactive" Carry untruthful ads Provide latest information
Movies Carry ads unnoticed Have to be seen Provide hidden information
Step V Homework
Learn by heart the key words and phrases learnt in this part.
Some famous slogans used by companies in their advertisements.
1. Good to the last drop.滴滴香濃,意猶未盡。--麥斯威爾咖啡
2. Obey your thirst.服從你的渴望。--雪碧
3. The new digital era.數(shù)碼新時代。--索尼影碟機
4. We lead. Others copy我們領(lǐng)先,他人仿效。--理光復(fù)印機
5. Impossible made possible.使不能變?yōu)榭赡堋?-佳能打印機
6. Take time to indulge.盡情享受吧!--雀巢咖啡
7. The relentless pursuit of perfection.不懈追求完美。--凌志轎車
8. Poetry in motion, dancing close to me.動態(tài)的詩,向我舞近。--豐田汽車
9. Let’s make things better.讓我們做得更好。--飛利浦電子
10. Take TOSHIBA, take the world.擁有東芝,擁有世界。--東芝電子
11. Just do it.只管去做。--耐克運動鞋
12. Ask for more.渴望無限。--百事流行鞋
13. The taste is great. 味道好極了!--雀巢咖啡
14. Feel the new space.感受新境界。--三星電子
15. Intelligence everywhere.智慧演繹,無處不在。--摩托羅拉手機
16. The choice of a new generation.新一代的選擇。--百事可樂
17. We integrate, you communicate.我們集大成,您超越自我。
18. No business too small, no problem too big.沒有不做的小生意,沒有解決不了的大問題--IBM公司