- ҴԒ ]ȣ
- ѩ(jng)Z ]ȣ
- (jng)Z ]ȣ
- 꽛(jng)Z ]ȣ
- Ľ(jng)Z ]ȣ
- P(gun)]
1. ʹڌ(dng)µУƽ͵Ľܮ(dng)ʹĸԴ˹(dng)µ
2. ˂һȴ_ʼµ@ǺܳҊĬF(xin)ȴ˼Sһ(g)B(ti)ζҪδ㲻ҪF(xin)㲻Ҫ˕r(sh)˿ϣδʧ(dng)r(sh)̵Rؽ|(zh)˹(dng)µ
3. καȫܵ錢㎧M(jn)oB(ti)@dzE˹(dng)µ
4. Ոֵĸй١oԭ̎h(hun)ܣǿͿҪȥκεķc^һЩ⾀Πɫ|(zh)еP(gun)עÿ(g)|oRP(gun)עǂ(g)SڵĿgA ҪȥД ֮µČo|һЩ|κΖ|XJ(rn)Ĵڡ^Ĺ(ji)X՚Xw(ni)Sں̓(ni)İl(f)fġĿ~M(jn)(dng)r(sh)˹(dng)µ
5. 䌍(sh)҂һֱ̎ڴX˼SĿ֮ڌr(sh)g㽹]҂^ȥ(dn)δ(sh)H҂ֻܻڮ(dng)£ڴ˕r(sh)˿еһжڮ(dng)°l(f)^ȥδֻһ(g)oxĕr(sh)gͨ^(dng)µijҵҵ@ƽco҂ҵĚg˹(dng)µ
6. ֮ǰM(jn)˹(dng)µ
7. Whatever you fight, you strengthen, and whatyou resist, persists. ㉺ʲô͕׃ø(qing)㿹ʲô͕^m(x)˹
8. (dng)ҸǁԴoՓĿ옷ҸжȡQĽY(ji). fǏĿ֑нÓ Ͳһ(g)o㣬?yn)һ(g).еʧ.`㲻Ҫ龳.r.c(din)옷Ȼδ_(d)Ҫʹ˹(dng)µ
9. Whatever the present moment contains, accept itas if you had chosen it. oՓ(dng)ʲôͺx˹
10. (dng)ԺͲ_Ȼ̎r(sh)oĿԾչ_˹硷
11. ˼Sϲg^˹(dng)µ
12. 㲻ڽӼ{ܻǟ\һNB(ti)Ԓм(x)ȥ͕l(f)F(xin)ڞԼ˄(chung)ʹ˹硷
13. What a caterpillar calls the end of the worldwe call a butterfly. ëëxеĩ҂Q֮˹(dng)µ
14. Those who have not found their true wealth,which is the radiant joy of Being and the deep, unshakable peace that comeswith it, are beggars, even if they have great material wealth.˹
15. XĺʹM(jn)뮔(dng)µĕr(sh)M(jn)뮔(dng)r(sh)Ѓ(ni)D(zhun)P(gun)I(dng)Rĺr(sh)ǽ^R˹硷
16. 㲻?f)κΖ|ͿԸеSʢ˹硷
17. The primary cause of unhappiness is never thesituation but your thoughts about it. ҸҪԭā̎Ġr㌦˵뷨˹硷
18. XʽӼ{ܺ͟\˹硷
19. Your outer journey may contain a millionsteps; your inner journey only has one: the step you are taking right now. ⲿó̿һf(ni)óֻһ(dng)~@һ˹(dng)µ