

時間:2021-07-20 11:37:37 申請書 我要投稿




  Dear x,

  I have always enjoyed and achieved highly in science and maths. I alsoappreciate problem solving and the feeling of achievement associated with thepractical use of design and technology, which I studied to GCSE level.Throughout the course I worked with materials including plastics, woods, andmetals and designed and built various items including a table lamp and apropagator for germinating seeds.

  I have been involved in various projects with my father, including erectinga pergola, a wooden shed and building a large brick shed at the bottom of thegarden. I also constructed a wooden chicken coop to my own design. Theseprojects have given me an insight into dealing with building regulations and theneed for planning, design and accurate measurement. I have gained experience inthe use of building materials, taking both cost and physical properties intoaccount.

  Studying civil engineering at university will provide me the opportunity tofurther study the areas of science, maths, design and technology that I enjoy,as well as to gain many other skills. Studying civil engineering will offer me awide range of challenging and fulfilling career opportunities. I would like toapply for the foundation year, which after completion, will allow me to progressonto the civil engineering course. I am particularly interested in how civilengineering skills can be applied with maximum benefit to society whilst havingminimum impact on the environment.

  I did two weeks work experience with a consultant paediatrician in -------Hospital in ---------- during the Easter holidays of 20xx. I also did two weekswork experience with a general dental practitioner in ----------------. Both ofthese experiences showed me the importance of communication skills, leadershipand teamwork in the smooth running of an organisation. After furtherconsideration, I realised that I would not be happy in the healthcare professionand instead was drawn more towards civil engineering, which I feel is closer tomy interests.

  During the last two years, I have participated in the school???s communityaction group, which involved weekly visits to a retirement home in -------- toorganise a coffee morning for the elderly residents. We served tea and biscuitsand provided company to those who attended. During the school???s activitiesweek in June I helped out in classes at the ------- School for children withspecial educational needs. Outside school, I did voluntary work at St. Anne???sHospice charity shop on Saturday mornings. I have also received a certificatefrom Millennium Volunteers for completing 117 hours of voluntary work.

  In school I am a silver prefect and am involved in the running of the------ society. I enjoy languages and am learning ------- in my spare time. Iattended a one month intensive ------ course in the summer holidays at the -----centre in -------. I have attended a twenty hour weekend course by I to I onteaching English as a foreign language arranged by my school. I am a keengardener with an interest in permaculture. I grow fruit and vegetables in ourback garden and also keep several hens. This has made us self sufficient in eggsand Jerusalem artichokes and gives a good crop of strawberries in thesummer.

  Yours sincerely,















  Dear x,

  I have always enjoyed and achieved highly in science and maths. I alsoappreciate problem solving and the feeling of achievement associated with thepractical use of design and technology, which I studied to GCSE level.Throughout the course I worked with materials including plastics, woods, andmetals and designed and built various items including a table lamp and apropagator for germinating seeds.

  I have been involved in various projects with my father, including erectinga pergola, a wooden shed and building a large brick shed at the bottom of thegarden. I also constructed a wooden chicken coop to my own design. Theseprojects have given me an insight into dealing with building regulations and theneed for planning, design and accurate measurement. I have gained experience inthe use of building materials, taking both cost and physical properties intoaccount.

  Studying civil engineering at university will provide me the opportunity tofurther study the areas of science, maths, design and technology that I enjoy,as well as to gain many other skills. Studying civil engineering will offer me awide range of challenging and fulfilling career opportunities. I would like toapply for the foundation year, which after completion, will allow me to progressonto the civil engineering course. I am particularly interested in how civilengineering skills can be applied with maximum benefit to society whilst havingminimum impact on the environment.

  I did two weeks work experience with a consultant paediatrician in -------Hospital in ---------- during the Easter holidays of 20xx. I also did two weekswork experience with a general dental practitioner in ----------------. Both ofthese experiences showed me the importance of communication skills, leadershipand teamwork in the smooth running of an organisation. After furtherconsideration, I realised that I would not be happy in the healthcare professionand instead was drawn more towards civil engineering, which I feel is closer tomy interests.

  During the last two years, I have participated in the school???s communityaction group, which involved weekly visits to a retirement home in -------- toorganise a coffee morning for the elderly residents. We served tea and biscuitsand provided company to those who attended. During the school???s activitiesweek in June I helped out in classes at the ------- School for children withspecial educational needs. Outside school, I did voluntary work at St. Anne???sHospice charity shop on Saturday mornings. I have also received a certificatefrom Millennium Volunteers for completing 117 hours of voluntary work.

  In school I am a silver prefect and am involved in the running of the------ society. I enjoy languages and am learning ------- in my spare time. Iattended a one month intensive ------ course in the summer holidays at the -----centre in -------. I have attended a twenty hour weekend course by I to I onteaching English as a foreign language arranged by my school. I am a keengardener with an interest in permaculture. I grow fruit and vegetables in ourback garden and also keep several hens. This has made us self sufficient in eggsand Jerusalem artichokes and gives a good crop of strawberries in thesummer.

  Yours sincerely,










