the greatest pride in the biggest inferiority complex that are the soul of the most powerless. -- Spinoza
Chester qualities of gas, should not belittle. -- Zhuge Liang
arrogance Chan, is a human being. I met while Chan wins, I do not know who the case of arrogance. -- Shin Yun Habitat
him-Mei Ming, Guo Qian, to prevent their bluff. -- Zhu Xi
proud of people like to see attachment of his people or his sycophancy, and obnoxious see a noble people. …… And the results of these people fooled him to meet his weak heart, he was a fool Nongcheng by a madman. -- Spinoza
proud of the people will inevitably jealousy, for the most to him by virtue of the people who praise it with the most Jihen. -- Spinoza
As painful and will see their inferiority complex is too low. -- Spinoza
inferiority complex, though a proud and opposition, but the most close to it with pride. -- Spinoza
Obviously, pride and humility is just the opposite, but they have the same object. This object is the self. -- Hume
I first asked Zhu Jun trust in science, I believe rational, to trust ourselves and believe in themselves. -- Hegel
Peel and respect their people is not good, respect for others and British Columbia are also not good. -- Hsu Te-li
No one should have self-esteem, self-confidence, independence, or is the slave. But light is not self-esteem, self-confidence is not complacent and is not independent arc legislation. -- Hsu Te-li
either the previous or others in their own separate, not to be done is despicable thing: The most important thing is self-esteem. -- Pythagoras
There are two bad etiquette: The first one is Niuni shy; second point is disorderly conduct and Qingman; to avoid both situations, the only well below compliance with this rule is, do not look down on their own, and do not look down Others. -- John Locke
the most blind obedience is the only remaining slaves were the only virtues. -- Rousseau